IRI agenda items for IETF 84
Peter Saint-Andre
2012-06-29 19:35:02 UTC
If you have suggestions for topics to cover during the IRI WG session at
IETF 84, please send them to the list so that Chris and I can formulate
an agenda.


Peter Saint-Andre
Peter Saint-Andre
2012-07-09 15:39:49 UTC
Does anyone have agenda requests? If not, there might not be a need to
hold a meeting.
Post by Peter Saint-Andre
If you have suggestions for topics to cover during the IRI WG session at
IETF 84, please send them to the list so that Chris and I can formulate
an agenda.
John C Klensin
2012-07-09 16:39:08 UTC
--On Monday, July 09, 2012 09:39 -0600 Peter Saint-Andre
Post by Peter Saint-Andre
Does anyone have agenda requests? If not, there might not be a
need to hold a meeting.

If we are having a meeting, I'd like to have time to discuss the
fork in the road among:

(1) draft-ietf-iri-3987bis and the associated documents.

(2) Approaches such as that represented by draft-klensin-iri-sri

(3) An update to 3987 that preserves the "not a protocol
identifier" and "every valid URI is a valid IRI" principles. As
far as I know, no one is arguing for this, but it is still a

(4) Giving up, deprecating/obsoleting 3987, and moving on.

I note that draft-ietf-iri-comparison seems intimately tied to
(1). The intent behind (2) includes standardizing information
sufficiently that a simple XML structured comparison (i.e.,
ignoring irrelevant white space) should suffice without
identifier- or scheme-specific comparison rules.
draft-ietf-iri-bidi-guidelines would probably still be helpful,
but some of the issues it addresses appear to me to disappear.

It is not clear to me whether that discussion can more
efficiently be held in Vancouver, by email, or by some other
method. I'll leave that question in your hands.

Martin J. Dürst
2012-07-11 10:02:16 UTC
Hello John,

Sorry I'm behind with my replies.
Post by John C Klensin
If we are having a meeting, I'd like to have time to discuss the
(1) draft-ietf-iri-3987bis and the associated documents.
(2) Approaches such as that represented by draft-klensin-iri-sri
I'll comment on this separately, following up to Dave's crucial comment.
Post by John C Klensin
(3) An update to 3987 that preserves the "not a protocol
identifier" and "every valid URI is a valid IRI" principles. As
far as I know, no one is arguing for this, but it is still a
"Preserving the 'not a protocol identifier'" isn't a possibility, for
the simple reason that IRIs are defined as protocol elements already.
The first line of the abstract of RFC 3987 says that, it's difficult to

It would really help if you could actually read the documents you are
trying to criticize, or at least their abstract, or at the very least
the first line of the abstract, so I don't have to repeat this again. I
already told you so in a mail just a few days ago.
Post by John C Klensin
(4) Giving up, deprecating/obsoleting 3987, and moving on.
There are other specs that use RFC 3987, so deprecating it doesn't look
like much of an option.
Post by John C Klensin
I note that draft-ietf-iri-comparison seems intimately tied to
(1). The intent behind (2) includes standardizing information
sufficiently that a simple XML structured comparison (i.e.,
ignoring irrelevant white space) should suffice without
identifier- or scheme-specific comparison rules.
draft-ietf-iri-bidi-guidelines would probably still be helpful,
but some of the issues it addresses appear to me to disappear.
It is not clear to me whether that discussion can more
efficiently be held in Vancouver, by email, or by some other
method. I'll leave that question in your hands.
I hope we can make a lot of progress on what should happen to SRIs
before Vancouver.

Regards, Martin.
Martin J. Dürst
2012-07-10 05:25:27 UTC
Hello Peter,
Post by Peter Saint-Andre
Does anyone have agenda requests? If not, there might not be a need to
hold a meeting.
I'm currently working on an update of draft-ietf-iri-3987bis. That work
will be over by next Monday. As a result of that, some agenda items may
come up.

Given that this time, neither of the chairs and (almost?) no editors
will be there, it will be rather difficult to hold a meeting, but if we
have actual agenda items (I'm not sure if the chairs want to consider
John's new draft an agenda item or a filler), we could give it a try.

Regards, Martin.
Post by Peter Saint-Andre
Post by Peter Saint-Andre
If you have suggestions for topics to cover during the IRI WG session at
IETF 84, please send them to the list so that Chris and I can formulate
an agenda.
Dave Thaler
2012-07-10 06:20:20 UTC
I'll be in Vancouver but IRI is scheduled opposite Behave,
which I chair.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2012 10:25 PM
To: Peter Saint-Andre
Subject: Re: IRI agenda items for IETF 84
Hello Peter,
Post by Peter Saint-Andre
Does anyone have agenda requests? If not, there might not be a need to
hold a meeting.
I'm currently working on an update of draft-ietf-iri-3987bis. That work will be
over by next Monday. As a result of that, some agenda items may come up.
Given that this time, neither of the chairs and (almost?) no editors will be
there, it will be rather difficult to hold a meeting, but if we have actual
agenda items (I'm not sure if the chairs want to consider John's new draft an
agenda item or a filler), we could give it a try.
Regards, Martin.
Post by Peter Saint-Andre
Post by Peter Saint-Andre
If you have suggestions for topics to cover during the IRI WG session
at IETF 84, please send them to the list so that Chris and I can
formulate an agenda.
Peter Saint-Andre
2012-07-17 22:22:32 UTC
That's unfortunate, as is the fact that the chairs and some of the
document editors won't be able to participate in person. I am starting
to doubt whether we can hold a productive meeting at IETF 84 (e.g., I
have never chaired a meeting remotely).

However, even aside from the large topic of whether IRIs are truly
needed or useful (see John's SRI proposal [1] and recent threads), it's
also true that we are far behind on our milestones and we need to either
finish this work or decide not to complete it. In fact we don't have
many open issues on 3987bis and 4395bis [2], but the editors haven't had
much time to complete the work. The other documents have received even
less attention (other than a short burst of activity on the bidi document).

I feel that we need to set a hard deadline for completion of at least
3987bis and 4395bis (say, starting the Working Group Last Call before
the end of September). If we cannot achieve that, then I would
reluctantly concede that we need to close the WG rather than keep it on
life support any longer.

Peter, as co-chair

[1] https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-klensin-iri-sri/

[2] http://trac.tools.ietf.org/wg/iri/trac/report/1
Post by Dave Thaler
I'll be in Vancouver but IRI is scheduled opposite Behave,
which I chair.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2012 10:25 PM
To: Peter Saint-Andre
Subject: Re: IRI agenda items for IETF 84
Hello Peter,
Post by Peter Saint-Andre
Does anyone have agenda requests? If not, there might not be a need to
hold a meeting.
I'm currently working on an update of draft-ietf-iri-3987bis. That work will be
over by next Monday. As a result of that, some agenda items may come up.
Given that this time, neither of the chairs and (almost?) no editors will be
there, it will be rather difficult to hold a meeting, but if we have actual
agenda items (I'm not sure if the chairs want to consider John's new draft an
agenda item or a filler), we could give it a try.
Regards, Martin.
Post by Peter Saint-Andre
Post by Peter Saint-Andre
If you have suggestions for topics to cover during the IRI WG session
at IETF 84, please send them to the list so that Chris and I can
formulate an agenda.