Welcome Adil Allawi as BiDi IRIs Document Editor
Chris Weber
2012-02-24 22:38:59 UTC
Hello everyone, please welcome Adil Allawi! He has graciously
volunteered to join the IRI WG as our new Document Editor for the BiDi
IRIs draft
<http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-iri-bidi-guidelines-00>. This
document is currently at version -00 and Adil will be working toward -01.

Best regards,
Chris Weber
Slim Amamou
2012-02-25 12:23:06 UTC
Hello Adil, welcome, and thank you for doing the job
Post by Chris Weber
Hello everyone, please welcome Adil Allawi! He has graciously
volunteered to join the IRI WG as our new Document Editor for the BiDi
IRIs draft
<http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-iri-bidi-guidelines-00>.  This
document is currently at version -00 and Adil will be working toward -01.
Best regards,
Chris Weber
Slim Amamou | سليم عمامو
Najib Tounsi
2012-02-25 12:56:36 UTC
Post by Slim Amamou
Hello Adil, welcome, and thank you for doing the job
Post by Chris Weber
Hello everyone, please welcome Adil Allawi! He has graciously
volunteered to join the IRI WG as our new Document Editor for the BiDi
IRIs draft
<http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-iri-bidi-guidelines-00>. This
document is currently at version -00 and Adil will be working toward -01.
Best regards,
Chris Weber
Najib TOUNSI (tounsi at w3.org)
W3C Office in Morocco (http://www.w3c.org.ma/)
Ecole Mohammadia d'Ingénieurs, BP. 765 Agdal-RABAT Morocco
Adil Allawi
2012-02-26 08:49:05 UTC
Thanks! I will do my best to get this document updated.


Post by Slim Amamou
Hello Adil, welcome, and thank you for doing the job
Post by Chris Weber
Hello everyone, please welcome Adil Allawi! He has graciously
volunteered to join the IRI WG as our new Document Editor for the BiDi
IRIs draft
<http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-iri-bidi-guidelines-00>. This
document is currently at version -00 and Adil will be working toward -01.
Best regards,
Chris Weber